Dad Time

The Journey is the Destination with Spencer Colbert, Entrepreneur / Marketing Executive / Bodybuilder

The Dad Corp Season 1 Episode 11

As fathers and men, it’s in our nature to maintain this impression that we always have everything under control. We never want to appear, to our children, as weak or like we’re failing in some way. However, true strength lies in vulnerability, authenticity and always giving your best effort. These values can not only be applied to raising kids, but also to our careers and daily lives.  

We are joined today by Spencer Colbert, Vice President of Revenue Connect, bodybuilder, men’s health advocate, father of three and self-proclaimed “#1 black Radiohead fan.” 

Spencer speaks on his bodybuilding journey and how his kids and his desire for a higher quality of life inspired him to compete. In his first competition he placed second and the validation he received from his family was unmatched. Getting a better grip on his health and hitting the gym has given him the outlet he needs as a father and a successful businessman. Spencer voices the importance of being a positive role model to his kids and the power behind leading by example. He also expresses his joy towards seeing his son imitate him by doing push-ups and flexing his muscles. 

At The Dad Corp, we understand that not as much support exists for fathers and men in general. We tend to suffer in silence and can have difficulty communicating. Spencer explains how having a proactive approach on your health is beneficial but beginning the conversation with your doctor is somewhat taboo in our society. As we get older and because of increased amounts of stress, we start to lose testosterone. This is something that isn’t normally talked about and should be. Being an advocated for hormone replacement therapy, Spencer describes the need to speak with a professional, get a physical and have your hormone levels checked. Just like your vehicle needs frequent tune-ups, your body needs to be optimized. 

When it comes to our careers and corporate America in general, Jonathan and Spencer discuss the need to reemphasize that family comes first. Also, they break down parental leave and the labels of primary and secondary caretakers. To society, women are just expected to be the primary caretaker, whereas men are viewed as being responsible or even noble if they’re active fathers. They’re praised for doing something “unexpected,” in the eyes of the public, even though it should be expected. As a society, we need to push the narrative of fathers being more active and engaged in their child’s lives. 

You can follow Spencer on Instagram or Twitter at @blackradiohead for more fatherhood insight, fitness inspiration and foodie adventures!

3 Key Takeaways from the Discussion:

1. Be authentic with your children. As a father, you cannot worry about being perfect. It’s all a learning process and you and your children will grow along the way. Don’t be afraid to apologize to your kids when you make mistakes. This shows vulnerability and expresses your humanity.  

2. The journey is the destination. For Spencer, his bodybuilding journey was all about the process. We often focus too much on whether we lose or win instead of enjoying the journey. If you’re giving your best, then you’re on the right track. 

3. As men, it will pay off to have a proactive approach to your health. Regardless of income, people who are healthier are happier. Working out can also give you an outlet. Ultimately, your children are going to emulate you and it’s important that you’re setting good examples.